Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Personal Ironbutt

Sorry about the lack of posts since Sunday. A server meltdown at work has kept me busy day and night doing my computer IronButt.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program :-)

The web is filled with updates today but I tell ya, with all the gadgets this gang has on their bikes I thought there would be more real-time updates.

Some of the updates that have been posted are..

One thing I noticed is that there are going to be some hefty bonii grabbed on this last leg. Each rider needs to have 60,000 points to be considered a finisher. There are 15 riders with under 30,000 points after the Maine checkpoint. These folks are going to have to grab some serious points to wrap this up.

Rebecca is one of these 15 riders but she's still smilin . She also had a nice "Where is your KEY?" reminder written in grease pencil . She was also quoted as saying "my waterproof jacket, my waterproof riding pants, and my waterproof boots all leaked during the hardest rain I've ever ridden in. I actually poured water out of my boot! Luckily, it wasn't windy." All that and she's still smilin.

Rob Nye's hair seems to be growing back after his pre-rally shave.

Duke is movin right along on his 250 Ninja and is heading west out of Canada.

Tom and Rosie Sperry have dropped quite a bit from the first scorecard so we'll probably see one heck of a charge from them on this leg.

The Minnesota Wrecking crew is running for the front positions. Eddie James is sitting up in 5th place and a lot of the gang has moved up to the top 15 positions (sawwweeet).

Someone posted a link to a webcam at the Confederate bridge. The Bridge joins the provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, Canada. Random sightings of riders have been flying around so sit back an keep your eyes open..

I know what I'll be doing now that the server is back up and running ;-)


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